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PASAJ Karaköy programı 


Poetics of Art and

A project by Eduardo Cruces in collaboration with Nihan Somay


1 group: 14:00 - 16:00 
2 group: 17:00 - 19:00 

POETICS OF ART AND DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION, consists of questioning, testing and developing methodologies through a combination of artistic projects in the context of global Industrialization/Deindustrialization, and seeks to understand how to transfer this research and create an exchange with the audience around this question: What would it mean to deindustrialize artistic practices and ourselves?

During this edition for PASAJ in Istanbul, this research proposes to focus on our words and concepts, in order to open up the references around contemporary poetics of Deindustrialization based in Latin America and its links with Turkey, where collective narratives can reconstruct the dialogue between both places.

Thus, “Cordones Des-Industriales” is a collection of words where is possible to create this dialogue together. Approximately 230 concepts (on-going), written by more than fifty researchers and collectives from various disciplines, mostly from Latin America, who share the grammar that makes up their research as an act of solidarity. The words are documented from the following collective glossary sources:

Art and Communities (Groups of artists and collectives from Concepción province, Chile 2018), École du Non-Travail (Artists from various latitudes, meeting in France-Switzerland 2019), Encounter Art, Environments and Periphery (Collectives from several Latin American countries, 2020), GCAS-La Glossary (Independent researchers from The Americas / Abya Yala, 2020).

Currently, the words are written in the Spanish language, some in Portuguese and French. The whole document is already translated into English. Now, we looking to translate and to add new words in the Turkish language.

Eduardo Cruces (Chile) 

This project is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Chile - Fondart 2021.

* Eduardo Cruces born in Chile, 1987. Master of Arts in Public Spheres, ecav, Switzerland and Bachelor of Fine Arts, udec, Chile. Independent researcher focused on artistic practices and methods of socialization in the public sphere. Under the concept of “Deindustrialization” applied both in life and art, he builds his research through a series of transcontinental journeys through deindustrialized, transit or transformation zones, feeding each other through various instances of encounter with the community. 

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